Thursday, August 30, 2012

About Me

My name is Summer Johnson. I am from St. Clair County High School in Odenville, Alabama. I am eighteen years old and now live in Logan Hall on Campus. I am in the Marching Southerners here, and I play flute. I love being a part of the band. It's without a doubt the best thing I ever did and it's hard to think I almost didn't join it. People who know me, even barely, all know that my favorite color is yellow. I tell everyone that. Most people will just call me Summer, but I will answer to any season. It's no new joke to call me other seasons. I am only 5'2" and blonde with green eyes. Everyone says I look just like my mom.
Unlike most people, I don't like a lot of foods that a majority of people do, like: pizza, hot dogs, corn dogs, or ketchup. If I have another option of something to eat, I'd usually choose something else. An interesting fact about me is that my top and bottom teeth in the front cannot meet at all. I have an over bite which causes me to not be able to touch. When I have to bite down to eat, I usually have to cut it before hand. In fact, whereas most people have their teeth become smooth because they wear down over time, my front teeth are still ridged from when they first grew in.
I am not an out doors kind of person. Heat and most things to do with outside don't really interest me. I would much rather be inside with no bugs, dirt, and have air conditioning. Sometimes though I like to hike if I'm hiking to something like a waterfall. I absolutely love to swim, but that's about the extent on how I feel about being outside.
My favorite movie is Singing in the Rain, and my favorite show is Days of Our Lives. I've watched that soap opera since I was four. I have many favorite movies, but those always beat the rest.
In college I want to become a nurse for geriatrics. I figured out I wanted to be a nurse when my grandaddy was sick in the hospital for three months. I spent everyday in almost every department of the hospital. It was during that time I knew I could see myself being a nurse and loved everything about it. The other thing that made me know what I wanted to do was because my grandaddy was so sick and had to have immediate attention, they had to cut a hole in his nose to get to his airways. At night he would have to wear and oxygen mask that sat directly on his wound, so when he slept he would push it off because it hurt him. I was the only one in the family who could put it back on him because I knew he needed it. I loved him but I could shut off my emotions enough to take care of him. That really is what made me realize nursing was my calling. I chose geriatrics also because of my grandaddy. Elderly people deserve to be well taken care of, especially when they're sick.
That's pretty much everything about me there is to know.


  1. I'm going into nursing as well!

    1. That's awesome! Do you know what field you want to do the most?

  2. I really enjoyed reading your blog. Looks like you have a lot to say, and I like people with depth of conversation. You have some good values, that I have also. I hope you meet your accomplishments.

  3. My mom is a CRNA at the hospital, like putting people to sleep and she went to nursing school so if u ever need any extra boos let me know she has one for everything trust me lol
    Your biography was really good i see you are a good writer and can use good translations. That is my struggle.

  4. Yeah I sometimes get really talkative, and I've always been able to type about anything as much as I need to.
